Organization for the Conservation of Penguins
MAP shows where penguins live.
Click anywhere on the map to see which penguins live there.
Our work to save penguins has featured in TV documentaries around the world. You can view TV documentaries featuring our work by the BBC TV, Animal Planet, Paramount Pictures, and documentaries in German and Spanish. Our work is entirely funded by our Penguin Adoption programme. Click here to read our Penguin Research Publications
Penguins are perfectly adapted to the environment in which they live, but they are less able to cope with alterations to the environment brought about by commercial fishing, oil pollution and coastal development. Penguins have undergone huge declines in certain regions, and some penguins face the very real prospect of extinction unless something is done to help. Click here to learn about the threats facing penguins
In September 2000, penguin conservationists from all over the world gathered at La Serena to discuss ways in which penguins could be protected. A number of wide-ranging proposals were drafted, and the International Penguin Conservation Work Group was formed. Click here to learn more about the IPCWG
Look below to see the valuable work that our Penguin Adoption programme funds.
CHILE: Casilla 263, Punta Arenas
ARGENTINA: San Martin 2110, Mar del Plata